When we first got there, we went straight to City Creek Mall to start our sister-missionary-shopping-escapade! We started at the loft, and made our way around. Of course we had to take a break at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to get a chocolate covered pretzel stick (a necessity!) and the continued on our way. I found a basic, black skirt at Macy's that is perfect for riding a bike and everything. Jeanice found some cute sweaters (surprise surprise!) We finished the night at Blue Lemon for dinner with some yummy salads, then went to Jeanice's sister, Meredith's, house to sleep. She was so good to us! We talked for a while (her house is so cute) and in the morning, she bought us doughnuts, yogurt, and bananas. After breakfast we started at Trader Joes. I have never been there before but its great! I bought lentils, steel cut oats, and this amazing thing called cookie butter (its like a yummier version of PB!), and other yummy stuff. Then we went back to the mall, found some more skirts, and finished with lunch at a shushi restuarant. Apparently it's ranked best sushi in Utah, and it was way good. I haven't had a ton of sushi before, okay like none, but man it was delcious! After we ate that, we decided we just had to have some cheesecake from the Cheesecake factor (calories did not apply to this trip-obviously) and then Meredith drove us back to Provo. It was so much fun! A huge highlight of my college life.
Valentine's Day was also a lot of fun. I LOVE VALENTINES DAY!!! EVERYBODY IS MY VALENTINE. All that negative attitude that it's singles awareness day is so sad. Really its an opportunity to be happy, love everybody, and eat lots of chocolate and sugar cookies! And thats exactly what I did. In our family we have a tradition of making heart-shaped sugar cookies.
I couldn't break tradition, so I went all out, and took them to some of the people that I am so thankful for! For Valentine Activity some of my roommates and I went to a Sleeping Beauty Ballet put on by BYU. It was really good. I couldn't watch a ton of ballets, but every now and then I really enjoy them. I guess it helps that I went to many a dance recitals for Devyn, my best friend, and that really helped me to appreciate dance. I wish I could dance!
My Mom and best friend Devyn also sent me Valentine's Packages! I was so excited!
The day after V-day, Jeanice and I both had dates. My mom sent me awesome socks in the package, so of course we had to wear them!
That Saturday we went to the Basketball game, where they retired two Jerseys. It was so sweet to see these two, older, and very tall men dance around the court and share their memories.
Monday was no school, so Jesse, Jeanice, Leah, and I walked up to the Y.... hahaha (ask Leah why I am laughing). Then afterwards we bought ice cream, and proceeded to stuff ourself with left over Valentine's chocolate. Because of that Jeanice an I are now on a chocolate fast, which we have been doing an excellent job of! Go us!
This past week my friend Connor and I were busy getting ready for the BYUSA even that we were in charge of. We had a nerf gun war as a bonding and team building experience for some of the office members. We used dividers and inflatables and boxes to set up a course in a big room-it turned out pretty cool! The pictures online and here are examples of how hard it is to blow up a 5' cactus or palm tree-my cheeks hurt sooo bad.
Yesterday we had cleaning checks. Before we cleaned though, we had some people come by who were playing Bigger or Better. We traded them for a vinyl record. This is what happens when you get curious what a smashed record looks like, and you throw it on the ground:
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As I was standing on the table, Jesse asked:"Do you think it will hurt the floor?" "I don't know " I said "What do you think" She finished with: "I think you should do it" |
Jeanice also made her southern Chicken Pot Pie yesterday--soooooo good! We had some friends over and all enjoyed its goodness. We also went to Living Legends, which is a performance of Native American, Latin American, and Polynesian dances. It was awesome! I love the hoop dances, they are my favorite.
Classes are good, although I really need to get better at Spanish, considering I will be serving a Spanish speaking mission in Alabama.
Here is a picture of my official acceptance letter to the First Presidency, accepting my call to serve in Alabama. I think about it all the time....it's a little distracting. I am very excited, and am working hard to prepare to be a good missionary.
That being said, I am certainly taking advantage of every awesome opportunity here at BYU. I love this college, and am so grateful to be here.
That about sums it up
Until next time! Thanks for reading.